Ok, this isn't my typical post. There will be no giggling allowed. (aloud?) I put a pen to paper and this is what came out. Yeah I know...old school.
So this is life.
Night and Day.
The sun rises then sets and today becomes tomorrow.
The exact moment separating the two is indistinguishable, as time neither starts, nor stops...it simply IS.
A ringing phone and it starts again.
Again with the steel rails and red blocks.
Stones and trees.
The smell of creosote and diesel fuel.
Sounds of screeching wheels and clanging bells. A whistle
wrecking the quiet of the evening.
Xanax and Zoloft.
Ambien, alcohol, and caffeine.
The tools of the trade.
Stand, Sit.
Hurry up and wait.
Rest...but never really rested.
Are we there yet?
How long now?
Whistle off and here we go again.