Yeah this post has nothing to do with condiments.
Hi to anyone who still reads this blog. I realize I have been slacking, I would love to tell you it isn't my fault, my computer broke, my fingers went missing, or something else, but that would be a lie. I totally knew where my fingers were at the whole time. I have been lazy, and quite busy, and really not feeling very bloggy lately.
The truth is I still don't feel much like writing but I felt obligated to post something since I do in fact take up space on your internet. I realize that pretty much everything is taking up space on the internet but still I was feeling guilty.
What has been keeping me so busy? Well, nothing...that was a lie too. I dont think a lie inside of the truth is as bad as an outright lie though. Example: I didnt come in to work today(truth)because I was stricken temporarily blind(lie)and couldnt find any clean socks to wear(truth). This story also illustrates how laundry will not do itself, science is cool.
"You're fired", illustrates how a boss might sound if he had no sense of humor and was missing an important member of his team due to the science of laundry and or temporary blindness.
I really haven't got any good excuse for my absence in blogville other than I just wasn't feeling it lately. I do want to say hello to my blogbuds though and let them know I think of them often. So, if any of you reading this would be so kind as to pass along a message for me....yeah I kind of thought not. Had to try it.
Anyway I love you all, take care of one another and I will write when I can. Did someone just mumble "Dude you never could"? Not nice...not nice at all.
PS I'm not really fired...I hope :)
That's Where I Live
5 years ago
I'm HERE! YOU'RE here! Almost, kinda, sorta, give-or-take-a-few-days at the same's a freakin' miracle.
Okay, so maybe not. Hey, I tried.
I've thought of you too...and have that dialogue in my head where I compose an email to you. It usually winds up with my cursing you out and you telling me to go to hell.
(Sniff.) I don't know WHY you have to talk that way to me...
Getting cursed out by a real live East coaster has got to be be like super awesome! And I would totally tell you to go to Hell Kathryn, but I would want to go too...Oh wait, you arent talking about Hell, the little town on Grand Cayman you mean like the real Hell! Never!! I read your last 2 posts and you have had a lot on your plate lately. I will be waiting for that e-mail! Take care friend!
Hello, sweet pea. You can go away for as long as you want ... but I'll still luvs ya whenever you decide to come back.
I'm thinking many of us are having blogger's block lately. I have been down right blogstipated. No lack of fodder, mind you ... just no sense of ha ha to accompany it ... and let's face it - I'm just mean without my ha ha.
Next time, tell your boss you have "anal glaucoma" and "can't see your ass coming into work today" ... works every time for me - *snort*
I hope you aren't really fired either.
Love Danica's "anal glaucoma" excuse.
I can't believe I found my three best blogbuds (also the three who have been curiously absent lately) hanging out in here. Did I miss my invite?? I was so beginning to think you all went to somewhere sweet and forgot to tell me. I'm paranoid like that.
Great to hear from you again, Mark (and Kathryn and Danica). Really. I mean that whole heartedly. Miss you and your comments on my blog.
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