Reality tv. I'm positive there have been thousands of blogs about so called reality tv shows so I must be in good company. There is not much real about reality tv. Maybe I am missing the big picture. Lately I was fortunate enough to watch a show that followed a young woman as she picked a husband from several candidates. What a hoot! Lets put you up in a beautiful home, get a dozen or so guy's with good enough jobs that they can be away from those jobs for a couple months without getting fired, and send you on several sweet, once in a lifetime romantic vacations all over the world. Don't worry we will pick up the tab! Come on now, this show is killing men at home. Some of us who live in the real world with jobs and kids and bills to pay are getting bashed for not being romantic enough. Would I like to run off to Spain with my wife for a date? Sure I would, my company wouldn't like it one bit and neither would the mortgage company holding the note on my house. "OH yes, we had a lovely time in Spain but now we are unemployed and homeless. Here's a t-shirt, can we move in for awhile?" Another one of my favorites involves a loud mouth chef who verbally abuses the contestants on his show. I just once would like to see someone punch that chef right in the mouth, and then say "Hey Chef, you can taste my dish when the swelling goes down around your lips" Thats reality. Oh there is another show on that followed a man looking for a wife from several candidates. "What? Already done that? No problem we will change it up a bit, lets make all the candidates 300 pounders with unimaginably low self esteem! Oh and every chance we get, show them in bathing suits or eating!" Some reality shows are just too stupid to warrant my watching them. How about the one that puts several people inside a makebelieve house inside a studio and watches them. How is that tv worthy? I bet a bunch of us grew up in homes with several people who had different personalities, argued , formed alliances for particular events, bullied one another and talked behind each others backs. Wheres my 500 grand? What could they possibly come up with next? I haven't seen a show with a live feed from the inside of someones ass during a colonoscopy. Cable networks are you listening?
I'd totally watch that last show.
Hmmm. I can think of several orifices that might be star-worthy (and there's always that old Law & Order featuring a spy cam under a toilet rim.) The possibilities are endless, really.
Ok...I'm going to admit here that I have an absolute addiction to "unreality" tv. But that's why I watch...because they're so unreal! I mean if you're seriously looking for a real life mate are you going to do it on tv in some totally unrealistic situation? Hell no...but if you're just looking to hook up with a bunch of different people and get a free vacation and some money...SCORE! And the midst of this beautiful location, romantic dates, and gifts and promise...they are still freakin crazy and sad. It just makes me feel so much better about me to realize how screwed up these people are. And that makes me go "haha! Compared to these losers, my life rocks!"
Does that make me a bad person?
I feel exactly the same way. I have so little patience for 'reality TV' that I have my own schtick (spelling?) around this subjet.
I think if you want reality, you need to hide the camera and catch people when they don't know they are being watched... and have no prize at the end ... THERE's reality for ya.
Funny post.
Todd that would be sick! but funny i guess, wonder who would buy commercials on that time slot?
Mary, Eww toilet cam?
Spot, I think youre right and maybe thats why we all watch em.
Danica, you are freakin hilarious. loved your blog. now i shall follow you, but not like a stalker!
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