OK did it again. enter key on right, tab key on left! Ahhh dyslexia. Just wanted to wish all of you a happy Thanksgiving holiday. Yeah I know it's early...so what? My blog, my rules.
I like Thanksgiving because I don't have to feel guilty about eating like a pig. OK I never feel guilty about over eating. Turkey is sort of gross, it isn't one of my favorite foods, chicken either. Oh, I will eat turkey if I go to someones house who is serving it. I'm just cool like that.
I prefer ham for holiday meals. It makes sense you know. Even the name ham has a yummy sound "HAMmmmm" Also if I'm gonna eat like a pig I think I should be eating...(wait for it)...A PIG! There you go.
Is it just me, or do other guys want to laugh and say "giggity" every time you hear a chick say they are going to "stuff their turkey"? I'm always wanting to say "I'll stuff yer turkey baby!" Well, not always.
It still amazes me that Lovely Wife puts up with my nonsense.
In any case, I hope you all have a fun, safe holiday. Enjoy your families and friends. Yipee I am spending the day with Lovely Wife, and The Boy!
For all of you who don't live in the U.S. Just have a good ordinary day. And feel free to eat as much as you want and then take a long nap in your favorite chair.
That's Where I Live
5 years ago
I think that sums up every day, doesn't it??
I'm still eating birthday cake .. so there you have it.
You have a happy HAMmmmmmm day. I'm with you on the choice of meat - I'd sooner have ham any day than turkey. Blech.
yea! Finally someone agrees with me about Ham vs Turkey. There's no way a cake could survive at my house for more than maybe a day and a half. Weird since I stay there alone with the Cat. He likes cake frosting. Hmm, maybe that explains our matching bellies? His is only slightly more fuzzy. Have an awesome Canadian type holiday Danica and Family!
Happy Thanksgiving Mark! Hope you all had a lovely day. We don't do Thanksgiving obviously, I didn't get to eat like a pig. I certainly would never eat a pig, and I definitely never got to sleep in a comfy chair!
I'm with you on the giggity comment. I think my mind resides permanently in the gutter and giggle as names such a Goodwillie. Cracks me up every time I hear it! (He's a referee over here and every time the commentator mentions his name I laugh like a silly girl). Teehee. Lot of huggggs!
LOL! Perhaps you could stuff your turkey with bacon next year. Or you could just invent a turpig which makes more sense than a turducken anyway. (What kind of variety is that? bird. bird. bird.) And with the turpig, the pig's nose could stick out either end, which I know would be fun for you.
I'm so happy you were able to be with your family for the holiday. I think it's more about that than the food. (Except in my house where it's totally about the food. Oh, and the Macy's T-Day Parade. But now that I mention it, all those crap marching bands and lame floats with supporting cast members of network TV shows singing make the whole parade sort of suck these days. Or is it just me?)
I hope you brush His Majesty the Cat's teeth after you feed him frosting. Geez - can you picture him with dentures?
Happy Holiday, Bud.
Thanks I've just over eaten, which is your fault...For all of you who don't live in the U.S. Just have a good ordinary day. And feel free to eat as much as you want and then take a long nap in your favorite chair. I can't entirley blame you for the throwing up afterwards, I made the mistake of looking at this weeks BlackLOG...
Heather you don't know what your missing, pork is yummy, and sleeping in a chair is woooooonnnderfullllll! Isn't Quagmire cool?
MMMM Turpig! Cynica you may be on to something here. Totally tryin to picture that cat with dentures. I should photoshop him in some. Yes the parade sucks lately.
BlackLog, just came from your blog...I wish I knew how to put wild applause sound effects on here. Excellent costumes!! What a good time! Can't believe one of the performers actually got irritated, had he been to the show before?
Oh yeah Cynica, the 1st 4 letters in turducken are TURD...I'm not eatin that!
Honestly I do know what I'm missing! Yucky. With the exception of bacon rashers, because they always smell yummy. Any veggie I know always says they miss bacon the most.
I have a couch - the whole couch to myself. It's where I do all my work, so no sleepies for me.
And happy day to you, too Mark!
I found myself thinking the same thing...Gee...this is a Pilgrim thang...they're not doing this whole meal-gorging thing in Europe....
And then I figured "Aw, what the hell. They'll know what I mean." We're all temporarily offline whilst we eat, drink, eat some more and pass out on tripisomes....or whatever those things are in turkey that make us pass out.
I've saved you some ham. I figure you've got about 12 hours before Taylor finds it & devours it. Then you're SOOL.
Yer such a chicken...
What is with you people and you're crazy turkey hating??! I don't understand it! My sister also hates turkey and this is the second holiday at my house that she's tried to convince me to ditch the turkey. No luck this time sis. I roasted a freakin turkey! Ok. We had ham too. The kind with the bone in, because that's the only kind of ham I eat. I hate ham. There I said it. I love the rest of the pig...pork chops, bacon, butt roast. But leave the ham out. Ewwww...
Hope everyone's day was fabulous!
We did ham too! It was PHENOMENAL. Sooooooo much better than boring, dry old turkey!
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