I was reading a post from one of my very favorite bloggers the other day and decided to post this. A thank you for the idea and a loud blog shout-out to Jessica at Booshy. She was telling a story about her sucky flight and it occurred to me that I too have been on some crappy flights.
One such flight was when The lovely wife, the son,and I were heading home to Anchorage from Kansas after a nice visit with our peeps.
Picture, if you will,passengers crying...yeah with tears and stuff. I would have bet you a paycheck that it was Skippy's (made up pilots name) first unassisted landing attempt. I remember telling Lovely that if he didn't land soon that I was going to do it for him. (note: I'm not a pilot) Finally though, after many many approaches and aborted landings... our pilot Skippy, the forces of gravity, and our almost certain lack of enough fuel to try even one more time got us safely on the ground. We were in Phoenix enroute to Anchorage. If not for the whole 3000+ miles to go thing, I swear I would have rented a car to finish the trip. It sucked.
Almost as bad as our trip from Honolulu to Dallas.
Our pilot informed us on takeoff that we would have 2 and a half hours of smooth flying. Let's see 8+ hours to get to Hawaii, and only 2 and a half to get back? I thought, Wow this is either one really fast jet or were fucked in a couple of hours.
Yep, fucked. Flight attendants had the first round of drinks served in about 15 minutes. Then a meal,and a second round of drinks. After about 2 hours I noticed them strapping themselves in their tiny flight attendant seats, If you're ever on a plane and you see that happening, ask the lady sitting next to you for all of her remaining Xanax. Trust me you will be glad you did. 6 hours of slamming around inside an aluminum tube at 35000 ft. and don't even think you are going to the shithouse, unless you brought a helmet in your carry-on bag. Truly sucked. In fact that flight turned me off Hawaii. Next time I will be on a ship thank you.
I remember another flight that I was on that was sort of freaky but cool so it doesn't entirely fit with the whole shitty flight theme. Anyway, myself and 5 other guys were going fishing in Seldovia, Alaska. We and our baggage were weighed before the air taxi people split us into 2 groups of 3. We were going to be in a tiny little plane so the pilot had to make 2 trips from Homer to Seldovia. Not a huge deal it's like a 10 minute flight. On our approach to land in Seldovia our pilot encouraged us to hang on as he would be stopping abruptly on touchdown, on a gravel pad known as the air strip... Wow, abruptly hardly explains that landing. Later I learned that it takes a lot more space to land a small plane than it does to take off. Who'da thunk it?
Ok last one...One Christmas I had sent Lovely wife, and son to Kansas for the holidays. I had to work so I wouldn't be joining them but secretly I planned to surprise them with a visit on Christmas Eve. I know, I'm cool like that. As my plane took off from Anchorage, I and pretty much everyone else on the flight noticed the pungent odor of a lot of smoke in the cabin. Hey this doesn't seem quite right. There was some fairly serious grumbling going on from my fellow passengers as well as some whispered prayers and probably some "Sorry I was such a crappy husband/wife I didn't love her/him it was purely physical"..blah blah blah confessions. Now if I have said it once I have said it a million times...don't start confessing stuff till the pilot tells you to. I think there is some kind of addendum they can throw out there to go along with the preflight "how to fasten a seatbelt" lecture.
Anyway we are all sort of wondering if they will be able to identify our bodies after being in the gulf of Alaska for a few days when Timmy(made up name) comes hopping down the center aisle with a screwdriver. I couldn't help myself, I started giggling. This kid who looked a lot like a 2nd year cubscout, thinks he is going to save us from our fiery plunge into the freezing cold ocean... with a screwdriver. You gotta know it was funny.
Soon the pilot informed us that we were indeed not on fire but we had blown a tire on takeoff and the tire was smoldering in it's little tire compartment under the plane. Not gonna die, perfectly ok to land minus one tire, aaaannnnnnd sorry for the heart attack. Thank you for choosing Delta and the weather in Salt Lake City is blah, blah, blah... I wonder if some of the passengers then spent the rest of the holiday season perusing the yellow pages for divorce lawyers.
Hey I would totally like to hear about your crappy flights too. Tell me in a giant comment or a tiny one, whatever you're comfortable with. See you next time!
That's Where I Live
5 years ago
HA! I love it...the pilot tells you to "hang on" 'cause it might be a tad bumpy....that's like when the doctor says you may feel some "discomfort".
Does anyone NOT have a flying horror story?? I'm still shaking my head that it took your idiot pilot so long to tell everyone that the smoking tire did NOT coincide with the end of your lives....he couldn't have brought it up a little sooner?? Like, before all those confessions??
I'm still pissed that Delta lost the door to my CD drive on this laptop. I have to hit several buttons to make it "eject"...and it's soooooo tiresome.
Mark, Mark, Mark. Did you HAVE to go there? Really?
(Did anyone throw up on you?)
Let me tell you that where I live, anytime YOU LAND, it was a good flight.
I swear, why can't pilots just shut up when the news is bad? I would be happy thinking that the extreme turbulence was a surprise to them, too. It's kind of like the dentist telling you 'this may hurt a little'. OK, already! Daisies and smiley faces, please! I do not want to know about the evil that awaits me if I can't just shoot it and make it go away. Ya know what I'm sayin'?
So 'tis the season to go to the airport, and since I live fah, fah away from everything, I go to the airport A LOT. As a matter of fact, in 2 weeks I'm getting on a plane to Copenhagen. Can you guess the duration of THAT flight? Go on. Try to guess.
That's it. I'm done here.
Can we talk about something else yet?
Hmmm ... I haven't been on a plane in a very long time, but when I was 8 my mom and (new) step dad flew me to meet them on the last week of their month-long honeymoon in the Virgin Islands. I was eight - did I mention that? I was flying alone (what were they THINKING???). I had an overnight in Toronto (one of my step father's friends and his wife picked me up and took me to their luxury condo for the night). I stopped in Miami, San Juan and in San Juan (after spending an afternoon sitting behind the counter at the 'air port' with some seriously slimy little dude), I got on a little twin engine jobby that necessitated the adults being place on it according to weight ... eesh.
Still wasn't as scary as the 25 foot iguana (YES IT WAS!!! I was EIGHT!!!)I saw on the path to the pool the first morning I was there .... shreeeeek. I thought it was Godzilla!
I didn't know you ever lived in Alaska! Lucky!! I so want to move there. I love cold and snow and no freaking neighbors.
I always say that we grew up on airplanes and in the backseat of the car because of dad being in the AF and moving constantly. I've had some amazing plane rides and only a few sucky ones really. I love flying. I guess the worst (besides the one where we flew to Utah for xmas with an 18 month old, a two and 1/2 year old and I was 4 months pregnant...hmmm...yes...crazy!) was the christmas flight back to Illinois from New Mexico in 1988. I was 19, but used to flying cross country on my own to see my folks. The weather was horrible, the layover was forever and the turbulence! But the worst was when we arrived in St. Louis, we were stuck in the plane on the ground, waiting our turn at the terminal for two hours. Now, I never get claustrophobic, but it was getting to me. And the guy next to me? Had been hitting on me since we took off. Finally I snapped and told him that if he didn't leave me alone and stop touching my knee I was going to cut him into tiny pieces and flush them down the airplane commode. He must have believed me. I was so happy to get off that plane and see my boyfriend (my now hubby) waiting for me, that I cried. Of course the whole thing was topped off with a hellish 3 hour ride through a brutal snowstorm back to our town. Grr....
Can't say I've ever been on a bad flight, but I haven't flown that much. So far, so good but the law of averages tells me the more I fly the more chance of something crappy happening. Just thought I'd say hi!
Kathryn, exactly! A tad bumpy? I'm not sure he knew exactly what was happening until skippy gave him the report.
Cynica, I disagree with the turbulence surprise thing...I don't want noooo surprises Luuuuceeee! (Desi Arnaz voice) Ahh Copenhagen! Far far away. Hey what do you think the Dutch call it when they each pay for their own lunch? (crappy tight-wad date?) I have no idea how long of a flight it is to copenhagen...I'm guessing 9 hours from NY or Boston. close?
Danica, 8 yrs old flying alone? Wow. Giant iguanas? sheesh! Nowadays I think they frown on slimy dudes sitting near 8 yr olds.
Spot, yeah I lived in Ak for 8 yrs. Lovely place. I miss it sometimes. I hate just sitting on a plane too. And I really hate it when the guy next to me is hitting on me...Bwahhahahaha! Then driving through a snowstorm? what a day! Thats cool you and the Mr. Spot were teenage luvvers.
Heather so glad you stopped by! HI! I'm diggin your new page colors. It's easier to read since you lightened it up some. Im off now to check it out again!
have you heard about http://www.flightsfromhell.com/
nice site if you want to pass some time :-)
Um...I'm way late. And I'm sorry.
Thanks for the shout out! I hope all is going well for you...is it cold there? Where you live?...I don't know. Don't people ask about the weather in uncomfortable situations?................. :)
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