Blogbuds, you may all relax. I seem to be over my recent bout of poop-blog-itis. (for now)
Ok, as mentioned before I work for a railroad. As such, part of my job requires me to sometimes ride in a "railroad road cab". Basically this is a sit down, strap in, and hang the f*** on, process. "Road cabs" are vehicles that travel from terminal to terminal and all points in between, hauling us low-life train crews around. The drivers of these cabs are mostly coffee and No-Doze addicts who look like they haven't seen a bed since 1987. I have to say it is terrifying to look over at the speedo on a foggy night and see the needle bent towards the 85 mph line while your driver happily snoozes away in his luxury suite at the Sleepytown Motel. It's a real hoot! There's something special about grabbing the wheel to avoid hiway guard rails and oncoming traffic. Even more special is when the driver doesn't wake up as you wrench the wheel from his grasp. Oh yeah, let the good times roll! I caught myself wondering the other night, how in the world is that driver going to make it 130 miles back home with no one to help him steer? Then it occurred to me that he would probably be fine, after all he just had a nap on the way here!
I had a driver thank me once for "saving his life". "Don't be a moron", I said. "I was saving my life. Now please clean the ice off this windshield and SLOW DOWN!!"
I love this job!
That's Where I Live
5 years ago
That is to good.. You left out the parts where they have got out to pee and put the cab in R instead P and the cab runs over the driver.. Ohh yes good times .. So you say work for the Railroad .. I want to know how come nobody smacked me in the back of the head when i said hey im going to work for the railroad..
Sweet I forgot about that little stroke of driving genius...I miss that guy!
This is not good. I'd get one of those air horns...the ones they use at football games?
Keep it in your pocket.
You'll probably use it a lot.
LMAO! I will totally avoid anything railroad related forever more - trains, tracks, you. Dood! You need a squirt bottle aimed at your driver's ear on those rides (works great on Riley the Cat when he stands in my bedroom door and howls at 3 AM.) Actually, I'm wondering where the supervisors who hide in the bushes watching you engineers are while these guys are snoozin' on the clock.
I think if I were you, I would insist on driving the cab. At least then I could get some sleep while someone else watched the wheel. : P Carry on Comic Conductor.
Oh yeah! And what Kathryn said! An air horn and water in the ear. That cabbie'll stay too pissed to sleep!
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