Today I hung out in the shower till my fingertips went all pruny. I know right? It wasn't because I was overly gross or anything, I was trying to remember where I lost my belt.
I sometimes lose things. Maybe it's because, as my lovely wife tells me, I don't pay attention. I'm pretty sure thats not it though. Losing things is pretty universal right? I mean everyone has lost something at some time. Some people will try to pretty up the fact that they lost something by saying "it got misplaced". Totally different dealio. Misplaced is when you will almost certainly find the item in question. Lost is when you pretty much have given up on ever seeing the item again.
So you still think the two words are interchangeable? Try it this way, "I misplaced my virginity". See? Doesn't work. I know it's not a real good example because most of us "gave away" our virginity. There are however several documented cases of people waking up from a drunken after-prom party and being all like, "Hey, where's my virginity?" Mmm good times.
The item I hate losing most in the world is my keys. I can go for days without a wallet or a pocket knife or my watch, but my keys? Ugh. I get physically ill when I can't find my keys. Lovely wife will attest to my lost keys obsession. She actually giggled at me once when I was being a complete baby after having lost my keys.
I'm positive I will never see my belt again. It is lost. If any of you have lost some item and gone all freaky about it I would love to hear your story. Think of it as kind of a support group for people who lose things...does that make us...wait for it....LOSERS? LOL, I don't think so.
Thanks for stopping by! (has anyone seen my keys?)
That's Where I Live
5 years ago
I tend to lose money...a lot. And somehow I seem to end up with a new purse or picture for the wall...I have no recollection as to how they creep their way into the house. They have nothing to do with the lost dough...I'm sure of it.
hey that happens to my wife sometimes too. hmm. could be a connection
Of all the things I have lost ... I miss my mind the most :)
You kill me ... :)
I don't know what Danica is on about...I've only misplaced my mind. LMAO! I hate losing my wallet. Seriously I will start hyperventilating. It's not that there's ever any money in it (unless 35 cents in pennies counts), but it has my identity in it! My social security card, my drivers license, my prepaid debit card, my pictures! Thankfully it doesn't happen often.
I misplace things on a regular basis. I think I'd misplace my ass if it wasn't attached!
Spot thanks for playing! I will be getting to my 7 things soon.
Funny post Price!
Yeah, losing things makes you feel like ... a Loser! As if there's a big joke on YOU, right? I want those 'clappers' on all my stuff. Except my cell - I can call it. Well, unless the battery's dead or it's not within 10 feet of me.
(Hey, why do you want to find your belt anyway? Belts are just sad reminders of unpleasant realities for most of us... besides, cracks are trendy.)
But not to worry, it'll get better as you get olderrrrrrrr.
FYI - Old guys don't CARE if their keys and stuff get lost. They don't care if they can't drive anywhere (Response to invite: I lost my keys so if you want me there, pick me up. Bring beer.) They don't care if their butt's hangin' out either. And look at all the responsibilities you'll be able to ditch.
OK, so fun post!
(Oh - I know where your belt is.)
Yeah, a belt's not an easy thing to lose, either....I'd be worried too.
As for the keys? You need a man-bowl. It's where you drop your keys when you get home. Any time, any place, but SAME place.
As for your virginity? I think you can consider that gone for good, my friend.
Kathryn, It sucks having to tell your wife you lost an article of clothing. LOL
Oh god, my keys, I'm always 'misplacing' them. I get into a total panic. I'm in the country you see - cut off from all civilisation - so losing my keys is not an option. I lose my mobile quite often too, and I tend to have it on silent most of the time, because I'm not allowed it on in classes and I just forget to turn it off silent. It can be a nightmare. I remember talking to hubby on the phone a few weeks ago, and I was hunting everywhere for it! I said to him, I can't find my phone. 'You're talking on it you bloody eejit'!!! Oh yeah, right. Nightmare.
.. I thought Kathryn said MAN BOWEL and got hysterical.. even after I re-read it properly as MAN BOWL ..
Anyway.. glasses! I stress about losing my glasses because if I misplace my glasses how the hell am I going to see to find them? Right?
So you get that.. it's not just me, right??
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