WOW, Did I just do that? Here's the thing, I just read someones blog post and commented. The crazy part is, I used the words...wait for it...."well written". I know right? Immediately after publishing the comment my inner/other me asked "Who the F*** do you think you are?" I had no answer for myself. I don't know where I get off thinking I know what is or isn't well written. I did enjoy the posts literary components, I thought the writer presented her ideas really well and it didn't leave me wondering what she was talking about. Does that qualify as well written? How do I know? I'm just some guy who writes a blog to keep from driving his wife and friends crazy with his random blathering on about who-knows-what. If in fact it is a well written piece, good for the writer!
I guess my point is that if I slip again and use the phrase "well written" in any of my comments about your posts, please take it as a compliment. Thats how it was intended.
I just get a little tired of saying "Oh that was good" it sounds so freaking generic. I don't think it always conveys my thoughts on the piece. And I feel weird if I hog up like a half a page leaving a way-too-in-depth comment. Maybe that is something I will work on in my writing. Maybe I will stop blogging altogether and just comment. Maybe I could start a new blog that is just full of comments, and my readers could try to guess whose blog post I was commenting on. Nah, too confusing. I will just keep blathering on and see what comes out. Now I shall hold my chin inquisitively, and wonder what I have done with my monacle, and my turn of the century looking Sherlock Holmes pipe.
That's Where I Live
5 years ago
I like you, Mark Price.
Not in a creepy way that will make your wife ban me from your blog - but you think things out way too much and that's pretty cool. Now - are you flattered by that or do you think my opinion doesn't matter? 'Cause really it doesn't... but for what it's worth - I do.
I know what you mean about the 'well written'... I mean I'm certainly no poet laureate and have hardly any business even hanging around some of the talent I have witnessed since joining blogger. What I find is that most everyone is looking for some sort of validation that either their opinion matters or that they're wildly funny or they can write like nobody's business... or a combination thereof.
If you ever called me well written, I'd bend over and kiss my own ass ... that's what I'd do.
Very flattering indeed. Thank You! I cant recommend kissing ones own ass, what with the possible back injuries and the almost certainty of tipping over onto ones head. So why don't I just say that I really enjoy reading your blog.
Who was it? Was it Jen? Was it Maureen? 'Cause I checked my comments and it definitely wasn't me.
I'm kidding.
Sort of.
I think ppl appreciate the words just as you'd intended. You related well to what she wrote and felt she conveyed the piece in a way that kept you entertained and interested.
I can't speak for anyone else, but it can be hard when commenters break into an immediate never know what they actually *though* about your piece.
Well-written, BTW.
Kathryn thank you! Honestly I can barely believe a blogger of note is reading my posts! I love your interviews!
Did you find your monacle? (How about your Deerstalker?)
I enjoy your blog. You have a great voice!
*peers around guiltily* about the whole "takes up half a page with a comment" thing. Geez. I'm sooo guilty of that. But I only do it when I really really like the post! So it's kind of a compliment.
I think anyone who reads is able to wield the "well written" compliment. I mean you read, you write, you recognize good work when you see it, so you're qualified.
And your blogs crack me up. Tallyho Sherlock!
Cynica, I don't know what a deerstalker is but I hope it's a cape. I always thought I would look cool in a cape, not to mention giving me the ability to fly through the air.
Spot, Im so glad you read my posts and please feel free to post super long comments. I like to read them too. Thank you for stopping by!
I found your blog through a comment you left on another blog.
I know I certainly wouldn't think you were being condescending if you said something was well-written. Whilst some of us may not be able to write well (that would be me), we certainly can appreciate it when we come across someone who does. I don't write particularly well, especially since I've only been blogging for a few months and I'm still trying to find my voice. However, I do pay attention when the text floats across the page and I don't need to have an English degree to see that. Neither does anyone else.
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