I apologize in advance for this post. I know most of my followers are ladies so they won't have a good understanding of this stuff. If you are easily offended you,
A; probably should throw out your computer. and,
B; shouldn't have checked the "i understand and wish to continue" box.
Maybe they will know of some guy's that they could point towards my blog. My buddy was talking to me about a cartoon we watch and the main character did a piece on the news called "you know what really grinds my gears", and a blog post was born.
I hate it when I sit on my nuts. It is incredibly painful and its one of those things you never see coming. If you trip on something and you see you are about to fall, you kind of mentally prepare for the impact. Your body sort of tenses up and you go all smushy faced like you're really constipated and trying to poop. I bet if you stop frame photographed people right before they smashed into the ground you would swear they were pooping. Anyway the "nutsmash" is different. You don't see it coming. You open your car door, climb inside, and sit down...sheeeeit!! Guys know what I'm talking about. There you are thinking that your day is going along fairly well and WHAM! good day gone bad. Hopefully you are alone in the car when this happens, because it hurts so bad you find out you can't even cuss right. If you're with someone you want it to be another guy cause he will understand and sympathize. He will probably say "Ssssssss, Oooooo dude I hate that". On the other hand if it is your wife, she absolutely will not sympathize and will probably giggle a little. Thats what my wife does.
Another thing that us guys hate is when our nutsack sticks to our thigh. It comes from wearing boxers in the summertime, or going commando. I know. Heres a little clue ladies, when you see us doing a kind of little funky looking dance, there's a chance we are trying to shake something loose from our thigh. Be happy we arent sticking our hand into our pants and physically making an adjustment. Past experience tells me that little innocent move can get you banned from Wal-Mart. (for the record, I was a little preoccupied and didn't notice I was in the ladies undergarment section)
I know, not my normal blog content but LiLu said it's TMI Thursday so I figured it would be ok just this once. Sorry if I have offended anyone. I should be back to my old self in a couple hours.
Back to you Tom.
That's Where I Live
5 years ago
Ahahahahaha! OMG, that is hilarious. I love the guys' points of views on TMI Thursday!
Just don't forget to link back to the TMIT hub so I can link yours!
Thanks for playing :-)
Aha ha ha ... puleese - you think you can offend me with this stuff?? I make it my personal mission in life to bring up the most uncomfortable topics possible in front ol' Narci boy ... just to see him squirm for a change.
I can't tell you how much I love to hear: Jeeeesiss, Dani - I can NOT believe the things you girls will say to your boss.
BTW - hate to pooh on your party, but the reason we wives think it is funny is simple: menstruation/child birth/pap tests & Mammograms ... I see your nut crunch and raise you a 15 & 3/4 inch circumferance head out your hoo hoo with a ten bound human behind it ... yeah ... dats what I tought
Jeez, I'm a little mean on Neo Citron ... better go back to the NyQuil :)
Love yer posts bunches
Oh, pulease. Is that the most discomfort you've got??
That's what I thought.
Whilst I appreciate the male perspective on your sporadic discomforts, I still think we gals have whooped your butts. (Pun intended.) Imagine your hmm-hmm on a table and then start piling several encyclopedias ontop of it. Slowly now....only stop when you're about to pass out.
THAT, my male-friend...would be a mammogram. Now remove organ and repeat.
Ok already! so what if im a sissy. it really is uncomfortable. the only babies men have are affectionately known as "food babies" I shudder to think of a 10 pounder. Ladies all over the world I bow to your fortitude! And the idea of having my man-parts in anyway smashed in a machine scares the crap outta me. Would they call that a man-o-gram?
omg you are like so funny. i totally want to follow your blogger i hope you can write more funny stuff. my girlfriends and me are laughing our heads off. i am glad i found your blogger. you are totally da bom. kandee!
I am indeed a guilty giggler. But only because of all the aforementioned pain and agony that we ladies have endured. And well, ok, because it's funny. I can only imagine that the "nutsmash" is similar to the "nipplesmash". This is when you don't wear a bra to bed and either you or a partner rolls over onto one of your boobs, thereby smashing the nipple". Effin hurts. I think this only happens with large boobs of course but you get the drift.
I was upset that I missed TMI Thursday...but I think that last paragraph qualifies! Ha!
PS- in case you're wondering...I wasn't offended.
Kandee, i'm always happy to have new followers. I'm glad you think I am funny. Any of the people who comment on here will undoubtedly also make you laugh hysterically. I will check out your blog!
Spot, the nipple smash is not entirely foreign to me due to the fact that us guy's occasionally will pinch the crap out of each others nipples to induce pain and humiliation. Its only fun when you are the pincher not the pinchee!
Yeah, it was TMI. However, I could I not read if after reading the disclaimer.
Just one thing though, HAVE A BABY! Little bit of discomfort involved there.
Sorry. I accuse my husband of overplaying the sensitivity of his daddy buttons. Something comes within a square mile of his crotch and he is down for the count.
Thanks for the funny read.
Mark, how many more of these sad little guy pearls can you share? I had no idea your own bodies were such self
saboteurs. You're cracking me up as I start envisioning our lower regions covered in Baby Powder - which woould be BTW... one way to stop your absurd little whimperings about your stickyicky nut sack stuck to your sweatyeaty thigh. Butcha might also find a way to get those puppies arranged in there before you slam your butt down in a car or on a chair. Have you ever known of a guy to go to emergency hospital for popping one? If so, ya wouldn't have to tell me twice to guard them will my life! Duhhhh
Either way- So. Much. Easier. Than mommyhood! No sad nut sympathy here from me either. Be glad you simply bust a nut periodically and perhaps we won't laugh too hard
next time we see the hammer come down... Peace Dude!
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