Hey something new for the "what grinds my gears" series.
It really grinds my gears when a hospital employee walks 22 feet past the escalator to get on the elevator to ride up to the first floor. Seriously? You're going to screw everyone else on this elevator because you don't want to take the escalator? What, are you afraid the escalator may break down and leave your dumb ass stranded for a few hours? WHY? WHY? WHY?!
The elevator is the only means of travel from the ground floor to floors 2 thru 6. The escalator only goes to the first floor. The elevator doors open on floor 1 next to...wait for it...the top of the friggin escalator!! I know right?! Meanwhile I along with several other people stand for an extra 20-30 seconds on the elevator cause Mr. Jackass didn't want to ride the escalator. Whats an extra 20-30 seconds you may ask. Well nothing unless you're,
A: holding a blazing hot cup of coffee, or
B: trying to hold in a fart, or
C: trying not to pee in your pants, or
I guess my point is, why create an unnecessary delay for the rest of the world?
Back to you Tom.
That's Where I Live
5 years ago
...and you were saving the fart for ... the elevator???
Hehehe. I'm so picturing you in the elevator trying not to do the peepee dance, scald your hand, or inadvertantly let go that fart. Okay, sorry but I'm really laughing now!
Seriously, I don't think hospital employees should use the elevator or escalator. What grinds my gears is obese or unfit doctors or nurses. Really? Really? You want to tell me how I'm endagering my health by not losing weight. Hello mr. pot...it's the kettle calling! It just seems hypocritical to me.
Wait! Why were you at the hospital? Yeah, and I ask because I'm nosey!
Danica, contrary to popular belief, I do have like some couth. I wasn't "saving the fart" merely trying not to crop dust the other passengers. LOL
Spot, It was quite a morning. Quik Trip hotdogs last nite, hotel all-meat omelet this morning washed down with a pot of coffee, and 2 starbucks cinnamon mochas in hand. But I made it. Why was I here? My son has been in the hosp. for 5 months. I pretty much live here when I'm not working. Luckily he is in K.C. and thats where I ride trains to, so it works out good. Next question...he has something called HLH (think, unimaginably rare blood cancer) and underwent a bone marrow transplant. He presented with this HLH at 19 yrs. old. Drs. told us odds were better to win lottery twice than present with this at 19. He is doing just ok. This illness is often a killer so we are thankful for each day. Sooo thats my story. Most of my blogs come right out of this hospital room in the BMT ward at KU.
Omigod Mark, I'm so sorry. There are no real words to express it. All the words that are supposed to offer comfort are just words. But my heart goes out to you. Having a child in the hospital is the scariest thing in the world. I hope that you are all able to get some happiness and enjoyment out of the time you get to spend together. And "Ok" is better then "not good". I hope that gets upgraded to "better" soon. Fingers crossed and positive thoughts your way.
Thanks Spot, this blogging is a kind of therapy I think. We have been dealing with this a long time now...5 months. He is certainly fighting the good fight! Will post any good news I get.
Mark: you are a shining example of why I wrote what I did today...able to find the one bright spot in a day riddled with unknowns and heartache.
I'll keep you and your family in my thoughts - I am so, so sorry...your strength is absolutely incredible.
I caught your previous referance to your son's disease ... that was why I glazed over your mention of the hospital. I gathered it was a fairly serious situation that calls on your humour to pull you through.
You seem as though you are pretty fabulous. I hate thinking of this level of pain ... I shudder, honestly. My 6 year old is sitting across the table from me right now teaching me about rocks... My chest hurts for you.
My thoughts and prayers and good will are comin' atcha through the bloggy universe... and you know I must have a stockpile, 'cause Lord knows I don't share often.
Yeah, well....step#1: Stop drinking so much coffee if you're gonna have to pee.
Common sense, Mark.
Step#2:Try sticking a wad of freshly chewed gum on floor #1's button. Say, "Oops!" as if it inadvertently fell out of your mouth and onto said button. Remove and repeat every single freakin' day that it bothers you.
Now Mark, we usuns know y'all gots a real perdy mouth own ya, so use it to ask these people WTF? I'm with Spot. If we need the excersize, so do they. Nothing's worse to see in a med facility than unfit or lazy doctors and nurses. Geez. Step away from the Twinkies people! Try the steps, too! But honestly Mark, confront them in that sweet disarming way of yours. (You can see they aren't armed, right?) Bust em out, Bud. Then tell your boy for me that he rocks now and he'll really be rockin later, too.
you guys are makin me all misty. now stop it and lets get back to why we came here in the first place...comedy! Seriously thanks for all your prayers and well wishes.
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